31 January, 2017 (15:16) | Dynamics 365 for operations | By: Howard Webb
In the past we could use the table UtilElements to get a list of AOT objects. In 365 for Operations that is no longer possible as the table contains no data. Microsoft have provided us with a way of accessing the metadata of the AOT though. There are a number of methods under the class Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.MetadataSupport which […]
Tags: AOT, dynamics 365, Dynamics 365 for operations, Dynamics AX 7, Lookup, MetadataSupport, Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.MetadataSupport, Reports, UtilElements, X++
31 January, 2017 (15:05) | Dynamics 365 for operations | By: Howard Webb
Form lookups are nothing new in AX, and the patterns are the same in Dynamics 365. However sometimes we need to use a form extension which does not allow us to add a method directly on the form object. Instead we need to create an event against the form control to change the lookup. This […]
Tags: Dynamics, dynamics 365, Dynamics 365 for operations, Dynamics AX 7, Events, extension, FormControlEventType::Lookup, Lookup, onlookup, X++
5 December, 2016 (21:19) | Dynamics AX | By: Howard Webb
As standard if we have a form that uses a datasource that is linked to a date effective table we will only see the current record. In AX we can give the user a new button in the action pane which allow them to change that and show the records they need or want. To […]
Tags: AX, Date effective, Dynamics, Dynamics AX, Dynamics AX 7, Filter, X++
8 September, 2016 (11:09) | Dynamics AX | By: Howard Webb
In AX 7 we have a whole new UI that is web based and around that we also have a few new controls. With things being new I have tried to get one of the newer controls working. I struggled for documentation but in the end got the MediaViewerControl to display a video in a […]
Tags: AX, Dynamics, Dynamics AX, Dynamics AX 7, MediaViewerControl, video
26 August, 2016 (11:13) | Dynamics AX | By: Howard Webb
As I’ve just got my hands on AX 7 I wanted to do a little exercise that allowed me to work with form extensions and also the new event handlers. The task I attempted was to add a small street view thumbnail to the address grid that will show the view of the address. Unfortunately, […]
Tags: AX, Dynamics, Dynamics AX, Dynamics AX 7, extension, Google, Google street view, Overlayer, Street view, X++