Getting a pending invoice totals
I needed to create a report which gathered the totals for a pending purchase invoice. Investigating the totals form You can see that it uses the class PurchTotals to calculate the total values. However this uses a PurchParmUpdate record, and at this point a permanent record in the table is not created yet. To get the PurchTotals class to work correctly we would need to create the temp PurchParmUpdate record, calculate the totals and then delete the temporary records. Below is the code to do this. Note that we have to declare the child class of PurchFormLetter to call the correct method:
PurchTable purchTable;
PurchTotals purchTotals;
real discAmount;
VendInvoiceInfoTable vendInvoiceInfoTable;
VendInvoice vendInvoice;
PurchParmUpdate purchParmUpdate;
PurchFormLetter_Invoice purchFormLetter;
ParmId parmId;
select firstOnly vendInvoiceInfoTable
where vendInvoiceInfoTable.recID == 5637146096;
purchFormLetter = new PurchFormLetter_Invoice();
parmId = purchFormLetter.parmId();
purchParmUpdate = purchFormLetter.purchParmUpdate();
purchTotals = PurchTotals::newParmTable( vendInvoiceInfoTable, purchParmUpdate.SpecQty, AccountOrder::None, parmId, '', vendInvoiceInfoTable.Ordering);
discAmount = purchTotals.purchTotalAmount();