28 February, 2014 (15:48) | Dynamics AX, SSRS | By: Howard Webb
Drill through links in SSRS are controlled by C# code which produces a URL that can be processed to call AX which can open a form with the appropriate record. There is a common class (DrillThroughCommonHelper) that will need to be either referenced or modified if you would like to use a lookup in Your […]
Tags: 2012, AX, Dynamics, Dynamics AX, Dynamics AX 2012, report, SSRS, SSRS report
27 February, 2014 (16:38) | Dynamics AX, SSRS | By: Howard Webb
If you are developing a larger auto-design report which groups data together it might be worth adding document navigation to the query to allow the end user to jump between sections of the report: To do this you will need to set up grouping on your table to allow the jumping. The label […]
Tags: 2012, AX, Dynamics, Dynamics AX, Dynamics AX 2012, Navigation Llink, report, SSRS, SSRS report
10 October, 2013 (14:04) | Dynamics AX, Uncategorized | By: Howard Webb
I wanted to move some of the google maps work I did in AX 2009. One of the bits I did originally was to produce a mini map in the customer screen: I decided to fit better with 2012 I have moved it to a factbox. To create a fact box first you have […]
Tags: AX, Axapta, CustTable form, Dynamics AX, Dynamics AX 2012, FactBox, forms, Google maps, Maps, menu items, MiniMap, X++
29 September, 2013 (13:30) | Dynamics AX | By: Howard Webb
About a year ago I had the luxury of some self learning time at work. I set about a task to intergrate a mapping utility with route planning. I chose Google maps as it returned an XML file that was easy to read. I wanted to pick up the total distance and time for my […]
Tags: AX, Dynamics AX, selectSingleNode, X++, XML, XPath
29 September, 2013 (01:25) | Dynamics AX | By: Howard Webb
While adding data to the end of a container there can be large savings by using += rather than ConIns. Try the code below and compare the results: static void Containertest(Args _args) { int ticks; Container con; Random random = new Random(); int myrandom; int i; ; //Start on […]
Tags: AX, ConIns, Container, Dynamics AX, efficiency, X++
29 September, 2013 (01:21) | Dynamics AX | By: Howard Webb
If you wish to use the new SysLookupMultiSelectCtrl class there are a few construct methods out there that you can use. If you need to build one using a dynamic query object you can use this construct method, however the problem with this is that the lookup will contain all the fields in your table. […]
Tags: AX, Dynamics, Dynamics AX, field list, Query, SysLookupMultiSelectCtrl, X++