10 October, 2013 (14:04) | Dynamics AX, Uncategorized | By: Howard Webb
I wanted to move some of the google maps work I did in AX 2009. One of the bits I did originally was to produce a mini map in the customer screen: I decided to fit better with 2012 I have moved it to a factbox. To create a fact box first you have […]
Tags: AX, Axapta, CustTable form, Dynamics AX, Dynamics AX 2012, FactBox, forms, Google maps, Maps, menu items, MiniMap, X++
9 October, 2013 (10:13) | Uncategorized | By: Howard Webb
One of our customers have been having this issue. Microsoft say it is down to a cache issue with SSRS. Most places say that a restart of the AOS and of SRRS along with a re-deploy will fix it. I have managed to get this working with either just a SSRS restart or a clearing […]