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Filter options for a date effective table

5 December, 2016 (21:19) | Dynamics AX | By: Howard Webb

As standard if we have a form that uses a datasource that is linked to a date effective table we will only see the current record. In AX we can give the user a new button in the action pane which allow them to change that and show the records they need or want.

To do this we have a class that does all the heavy lifting for us: DateEffectivenessPaneController. To use this class and functionality we need to implement IDateEffectivenessPaneCaller in our form, declare an instance of it as a global variable and create a new instance of it in the form init passing in the form and the datasource along with a few other switches:

Filter options for a date effective table 1


We also need a public method to make the instance of our class accessible:

Filter options for a date effective table 2


With that we have the filter button added to our form.

Filter options for a date effective table 3


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